Malory "Mal" Cent

  • Age: 36

  • Sin: Wrath

  • Lost Item: Scepter

  • Face Claim: Angelina Jolie


Sleeping Beauty - 1959

When a new princess is born to King Stefan and his queen, the entire kingdom rejoices. At a ceremony, three good fairies - Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather - bestow gifts of magic on the child. But an evil sorceress named Maleficent shows up, and because of a rude remark by Merryweather, she places a curse on the princess - named Aurora - that she will die before sunset on her 16th birthday when she pricks her finger on a spinning wheel's spindle. Thankfully, Merryweather turns things around by casting a spell so Aurora will not die, but only sleep and awaken to a kiss from her true love. The fairies take Aurora to a cottage in the woods to keep her away from the eyes of Maleficent and raise her as their own child, named Briar Rose. On her 16th birthday, Aurora meets Prince Phillip, the son of a king whose own kingdom will soon merge with King Stefan's - and falls in love. Maleficent's horrible prophecy is fulfilled when she lures Aurora to prick her finger on the spindle, sending her into sleep, and then Maleficent captures Prince Phillip. Realizing that the Prince is in trouble, the three good fairies head to Maleficent's castle at the Forbidden Mountain. But the Prince soon finds himself up against Maleficent's army of brutes, and the power of Maleficent's evil spells - which include a thorn forest and a fight against Maleficent when she turns herself into a dragon. Phillip defeats the dragon by piercing her heart with a magical sword given to him by the good fairies.

Maleficent - 2014

Maleficent once ruled the moors with a kind heart, but everything changes for her when she befriends Stefan. Their friendship becomes an inseparable one, but everything changes for Maleficent when Stefan betrays her by cutting her wings off and Henry crowns Stefan as his successor to the throne and he is married to Leila, who becomes his queen. When Maleficent learns about what Stefan did to her through Diaval, she becomes angry and she vows revenge on her former friend. Maleficent soon learns that Stefan and Leila's newborn daughter, Aurora, is being christened. During the ceremony, Maleficent curses Aurora in order to make Stefan suffer, but the curse will be lifted by true love. Stefan tasks Knotgrass, Flittle, and Thistlewit to take care of Aurora. It becomes apparent that the pixies cannot take care of the young princess, Maleficent and Divial start to take care of Aurora in secret without the pixies noticing. By the time Aurora grows up, she begins to view Maleficent as her godmother, causing the dark fey to develop a change of heart. Maleficent will soon realize that Aurora is the only person who can bring peace and harmony to the moors and the kingdom.

Maleficent: Mistress of evil - 2019

I have yet to see this. To prevent spoilers for myself, please look it up on wiki for yourself.

Once Upon a Time

Maleficent has a very long and complicated story within this show. To learn more about her character before and after with each curse, please check out:

Maleficent 3 - Coming soon

Still being filmed and edited.

Fatal Flaw

Cruel, Unpredictable, and Untrustworthy

Maleficent will use people for her benefit and when they have no more purpose for them, she will turn on them. She never lets her intentions be made known and could turn on others at the drop of a hat. She doesn't care who she steps on to get to the top and have all the power.


CEO of Dragon Insurance

Dragon Insurance monopolizes the insurance in the city. They cover all insurance but specialize in fire insurance. Mal will try to help anyone who needs insurance to protect themselves, their families, or their stores from gang activity.


  • Regina - Estranged Sister

  • Xion - Lost Daughter

  • Claude Frollo

  • Rasputin

  • Killian Jones/Hook

  • Toothless/Freyr


Maleficent or Malory was born to Henry and Cora Mills. She is their second born with a two-age gap between her and her sister, Regina. From a young age, it was apparent that Regina was the favorite. If it hadn’t been for her father Henry, she would have been neglected or probably abandoned. Since Regina got her mother’s affection and attention, Mal started to resent her sister and tried to have nothing to do with her. Yet, unbeknownst to them, Cora loved pitting them against each other which only drove the wedge in their relationship that much further apart.When both were teenagers, they found men they were both head over heels for, however, Cora found Daniel a threat to the path that she had laid down for Regina. He was a distraction and in turn, used her power to hire someone to carve out his heart. As much as she despised her sister, she never wished that fate upon her, yet, Mal never spoke up either. She was too wrapped up in a man she had tunnel vision for, Zorro.When Mal was sixteen she ran away with Zorro to live together without being the underappreciated child.The only person she bothered telling she was leaving was her father who wished them good luck and to keep in touch. Mal promised her father and ran away in the night. Cora had stood on the balcony watching her run off but didn’t stop her. In turn, she told Regina how her sister ran off to be in love, rubbing it in her face that Malory got to be happy while Daniel was dead.Zorro and Mal lived happily together, moving from town to town to find the right place to settle down. They finally decided to settle down when Mal found out she was pregnant. To support the family, Zorro joined the army and was shipped out when Malory was four months pregnant. They continued to write letters to each other and keep in touch as much as possible.While Zorro was gone, Mal worked in the local tavern selling beer to the locals. It was here that she came across her sister Regina who stated they wanted to rekindle and mend their relationship. At first, she was hesitant due to the nature of their relationship and how Cora manipulated things to make them think the other was at fault. Zorro encouraged her to make amends and have the relationship she always wanted.With his encouragement, she set out to be friends with Regina. She never told her she was pregnant, and thankfully her daughter rested low in her abdomen so that she didn’t get a huge bump, and she was able to hide it with baggy clothes and corsets to make it appear that she was still “skinny.”Mal had gone into labor and headed to the hospital, she told Regina she was going on vacation. The labor had lasted twenty-two hours and Maleficent gave birth to a healthy little girl, named Elena. The next two days were the happiest of her life, but as she was about to get discharged, police showed up. They took Elena away and placed handcuffs on her sending her to jail.One police officer recognized her name and called Cora. Mal was put in a room to talk about her rights but she refused wanting her daughter back. She had no idea why she had been arrested in the first place. After spending a few hours in jail, Cora arrived to post bail. It was an utter shock to see her mother and the fact she was posting her bail. The condition she had for posting bail was for Mal to come home. In turn, she agreed but knew once she got her daughter back she would run away.On the way home, Cora had told her what had happened, partially. She didn’t inform her that contraband was planted, but it had been Regina who had seen them in her house when she came over and alerted the police. When they raided the house, they found what Regina had described which caused them to file a warrant for her arrest. Because of the charge she was now deemed an unfit mother and was unable to get her child back. No matter how she fought and searched she wasn’t able to find her daughter.The hatred that she had spiraled into created one of the worst in the land. She had given her sister a chance to rekindle something that was never there only to be backstabbed and cause her to lose her daughter. It broke her.Since the day she lost her daughter, Malory hadn’t been the same. She decided to only focus on herself and never trust another soul again. The only way to make sure she was safe was power. She also knew that if she had power, she could potentially find out what happened to her daughter, get her back on top of it, and destroy any life that she wanted.If her sister could ruin her life from the shadows, then so could she.Malory had gone to college and started learning business, she graduated and started up the only insurance company in Starfall. They covered everything from flooding, to fires, to homeowners, and car insurance. For a while, everything seemed good, nothing bad was going to happen to people who had insurance through Malory. The first few cases that came through from gang activity got her thinking about how she could use that to her advantage. A devious plan was hatched, she had wandered to the courthouse and sat there watching judges and lawyers. When she figured out the one that could “help” her, she pounced.It started by getting to know Claude slowly but lunches and talking in his office. It quickly changed to a sexual nature relationship. Knowing how corrupt he was, she convinced him to slide the other cheek for the gang members when she was present in the courtroom. After having the judge on her side, she left to make “friends” with the leaders of each gang. She started with Hook and told him how she wanted him on her command to rob or vandalize something to help her prices go up. She purposefully left out the detail that she could help keep his members out of jail. When he asked how she told him she had her ways and he just needed to trust her. The same conversation happened with Freyr. He would be asked where to vandalize and when as well as keeping them out of jail.Just after securing the gangs, she hired another man, who she manipulated into doing anything she asked. He was in love with her and she kept him on a night tight leash so that it was easy for him to do all the dirty work and take the fall if anything was to happen to her.One aspect of being in the insurance business sometimes meant that she had to make trips to crime scenes, or homes to assess the damage. On a run one day, she ran into a police officer, Hans, who had let her in and watched her as she assessed the robbery and break-in. Something seemed off within the house and the way the officer reacted. It wasn’t until another call came in and he was there again that she started to figure out what was going on. The names on the insurance and the officer’s name matched and it became apparent that he was framing his family. She could make this work in her favor.Malory waited until he was voted into the highest position of police commissioner before she made a visit to his office and presented him with the evidence she had. She proposed her idea that if he scratched her back, she would keep scratching his.Malory had begrudgingly watched as her sister became mayor of the town and tried to steer clear of her path as much as possible. She hated that she had all the power, yet, no one knew the depths her claws were in the shadows which almost gave more power to the younger sibling. People underestimated the things she could and would do for power. But that campaign is when she learned the truth about Regina, she had a child. Rage filled her being that her daughter had been taken away and Regina got to have the happy family she desired.No matter what it was going to take, Mal was going to have Henry taken away from her sister just so she could experience the pain of watching her child taken from her only to never see them ever again. Multiple times she had the gang members attack some government buildings and used her connections with Hans and Frollo to get them off. She tried to even plant drugs within her office, car, or even house. The only downside is the mayor had more power to get things written off. Malory had to play it safe to ensure her beloved sister never knew she was the mastermind behind the attacks against her. She was unsuccessful in having Henry taken from her which only caused more resentment to befall her against her sister and nephew.Lots of rumors had come out about Regina, things she was forced to take care of instead of town business. She’d make sure government-run buildings were vandalized, things were tampered with, or even forged documents got past her or changed when it was filed away. Sometimes documents would vanish from the filing cabinets and the computer. Anything she could do to destroy Regina’s reputation and life. She was never going to stop making her sister’s life difficult.